Week 1 - Week 7 Digital Concept Art

08/01/2018 - 26/01/2018 (Week 1 - Week 7)
Wynne Pankusya (0333258)
Digital Concept Art


On the first day of class, we were briefed about the outline of this module. We're going to learn the fundamentals of Digital Concept Art along with all the projects that has been given. Since the period is too short, we have to brainstorm the concept and story that we desired. The story should be based on the given theme which is "The Journey" that consists stages of journey (beginning, trial along the way and the conclusion). The main purpose is to tell a story to the viewers.

After brainstorming and searching references for quite a while, I concluded the story in a mindmap.

1.1 Mindmap and storyline
1.2 Moodboard. The look and feel is sci-fi and cyberpunk (more references at https://www.pinterest.com/wynnhee99/digital-concept-art-2018/)

1.3 Colour Scheme. I'm using neon colours to give it more "tech"-y mood

Character Design

After I made the storyline, I created rough sketches of characters based on their personalities. The challenge is to create a protagonist, sidekick, and antagonist. Therefore, here's the sketches:

2.1 Rough sketches

Along with the rough sketches, I also made full body sketches of the characters.

2.2 Sketches. I tried to draw them in different poses and facial expressions

The next step is to create silhouettes. I'm not sure at first on how to draw it but the lecturer taught me and I did the characters' silhouettes. I used my own custom brush and start to create the silhouettes.

2.3 At first I create lines to build the body and fill them in with black colour to create silhouette. I also did research for body poses to create it
2.4 Creating silhouettes

2.5 First attempt for silhouettes
Mr.Kannan said to me that I need to work on solid drawings and consider my T-line for stability and look more references of poses.

2.6 Feedback from Mr.Kannan
Thus, I created more silhouettes. I tried to be more creative for the poses and design.

2.7 Second attempt
After the silhouettes that I've made, I created more detailed silhouettes. 

2.8 Detailed silhouettes
After done with the silhouettes, I had to create one final design of the characters. 

2.9 Implementing hues, values and lighting to the character

2.10 Choosing colours and character's outline

2.11 Final result
2.12 Character ortographics

Progress slides:

It's indeed difficult for me to create artworks with lack of time considering it's a short semester. I ended up not doing well with the sketches. After more experiences of drawing the characters, I realized that drawing poses and anatomy aren't easy for me. But the hardest part for me is to create hues and values. Therefore, I need more practice for the next submissions.

Environment design

We're supposed to create 3 levels of environment. The environment design should tell the story and relate the world based on the theme. I created 3 different locations for the design :


1. The city
Inspired by futuristic city and cyber-punk. The city is full of neon lights and flying cars.
2. The battlefield
Located at the border between the city and the place where the main character wanted to go 
3. The demolished nature

Full of rocks and only left few ecosystems and plants. The place where the main character expect it to be beautiful

3.1 Sketches 

3.2 Sketches

3.3 First attempt of silhouettes. The red lines are some part fixed by Mr.Kannan

3.4 First attempt of silhouettes

3.5 Silhouettes after feedbacks from the lecturer
3.6 Silhouette of battle field

3.7 Silhouette of demolished place

3.8 Silhouette of the city
After that feedback were given and my focal point and landmark are really weak. 

3.9 Drawn by Mr.Kannan as references sample

3.10 Color implementation

3.11 Color implementation

3.12 Final silhouettes with values

3.13 Final 

Progress slides:

I need to work more with perspective in order to create the final result of the environment. To create focal point is also not an easy work. Moreover, references that was given by the lecturer really helped me.


Combining all the previous projects, we have to make scene that narrate the journey's adventure. After the feedback that was given about the environment, I tried to make concept art for 3 different levels. I used a vocal point template to help me which also helped me with perspective.

4.1 The main character sadly looking at the city 

4.2 Main character and his sidekicks being approached by the villians while trying to leave the city

4.3 Unexpected situation of the place the main character is looking for (demolished place)
I chose the battlefield for the final concept art. Previously, Mr.Kannan gave some brushes that could help us creating the concept art which I'll be using for this final project. Considering the time that was given, those brushes actually helps me to quickly do the silhouettes and values.

4.4 Creating environment 

4.4 Adding characters. The villians are waiting for the hero and sidekicks at the battlefield
4.5 1st attempt of final
Feedback was given by the lecturer and I changed some parts of the artwork. The art is lack of fear, appealing silhouettes and the highlights of paths.

4.6 Final Artwork

As I was feeling really lacking of skill with digital concept art, I was very afraid creating the final project. I've been through a lot of practices in short amount of time which was indeed tiring but I still had to do it. At the end, I see myself develop from the first week until now. And I definitely won't stop continue creating concept art. 


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