17/04/2018 - 27/04/2018
Wynne Pankusya
Advertising Principles and Practice
Advertising Campaign (Part 1) : Media Mix (or Strategy)
Lecture Notes
Week 4
The term media refers to traditional way of communication (mass communication; television, radio, magazine, and newspaper. Internet mode of mass communication is what you call New Media. It consists of social media, online news, and games. Media mix is a combination of advertising channels employed in meeting the promotional objectives or a marketing plan/strategy. Which media should be used is based on the media strategy itself considering when, where and how often you want the advertising message to be delivered. The big idea of advertising should intertwined with the type of media (medium).
"The medium is the message" - Marshall McLuhan
Based on this quote, the form of a medium embeds itself in the message, create a symbiotic relationship by which the medium influences on how message is perceived. There are factors of media strategy 'The 5 Ms' that includes market, money, media, mechanics, and methodology. Those are some consideration of delivering advertising message. Advertising message and choice of media can be as creative as you want.
Advertising in free-market economy is a market based economy where prices for goods and services are set freely by the forces of supply and demand and are allowed to reach their point of equilibrium without intervention by government policy and it typically entails support for highly competitive market and private ownership of productive enterprises. In free-market economy, there's a high possibility of market manipulation.
As a graphic designer, we have to understand everything apart from arts such as business and marketing to understand the data given from the marketing team. We have to defend our artwork in scientific way (design thinking).
Week 5
There are consideration for advertising design
1. Ideals on strategy
2. Set cooperative action between words and images
3. Determine specific relationships between words and images
4. Check the quality of typography
5. Apply all principles of design
6. A.M.A.T (Arrangement, Movement, Alignments, and Transitions)
7. Ensure clarity of communication
8. Ad units works within the larger campaign
Either line or visual should be the star. A series of ads is Advertising Campaign. They are different as they can stand individually but tied. A good ad should have a story (to make viewers connect and feel the emotion) and visual impact for the viewers. Good ad prioritise essence of the product.
Project 2
Project 2 (Week 4 - Week 5) Advertising Campaign (Part 1) : Media Mix (or Strategy)
- Research (from previous project, and secondary research)
- Presentation slides
- Presentation slides
(Week 4 - Week 5)
As we have to create an advertisement campaign, we also have to find the effective media mix for the local market. The strategy can be considered based on the previous insights and developed sketches. As I chose The Design School @ Taylor's University, I have to build the suitable strategy for the campaign. A media mix is a combination of advertising channels employed in meeting the promotional objectives of a marketing plan or campaign.
Selected Media
1. Social Media (online advertising)
Social media is an internet services that let you connect with others online. It’s more than just advertising since you can see the customers’ reaction through social media.
Social media ads are the kind of advertisement that generates lots of word-of-mouth. It can be through facebook, twitter, instagram and much more.
Gen Y/ Millennials are tech-savvy. They spend most of the time on technology. Millennials now spend nearly four hours per day on their phone. Based on the study of Pew Research Centre, Millennials uses 90 percent of their time on smartphone for social media. This proves that social media took a big part of them. There are big potentials of success by using social media in order to target Gen Y. Mobile advertising solutions are particularly appealing for brands looking to attract younger adults. Brands can reach millennials with mobile search ads, display ads on mobile websites, in-app ads, etc.
Based on Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commisions, approximately, there are 24.5 million Internet users in Malaysia. Which is almost 76.9% of the populations. Below are statistics of internet usage in Malaysia 2017 from MCMC.
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Fig 2.1 Communicating by text and using social media
are the most reasons of internet usage
source : http://iamk.com.my/articles/2018/01/12/internet-usage-statistics-in-malaysia-for-2017/
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Fig 2.2 Smartphone is mostly used source : http://iamk.com.my/articles/2018/01/12/internet-usage-statistics-in-malaysia-for-2017/ |
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Fig 2.3 On the MCMC statistics, Malaysians mostly uses Facebook followed by Instagram and Youtube.
source : http://iamk.com.my/articles/2018/01/12/internet-usage-statistics-in-malaysia-for-2017/
1. broad reach - social media can reach millions of people all around the world
2. ability to target particular groups - many forms of social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) allow businesses to target specific groups, often in particular locations
3. free or low-cost - many forms of social media are free for business, and paid options are usually low-cost
4. personal - social media allow you to communicate on a personal basis with individual customers and group
5. fast - you can quickly distribute information to many people
6. easy - you don't need high-level skills or computer equipment to participate in social media. The average person with a standard computer should have no difficulty.
1. wasted time and money for little or no tangible return
2. the rapid spread of the wrong kind of information about your business (e.g. incorrect information accidentally posted by you, negative reviews posted by others)
3. legal problems if you don't follow privacy legislation and the laws regarding spam, copyright and other online issues.
Chosen Social Media
Facebook : Based on the previous MCMC statistics, facebook have the most users in Malaysia. It’s a social networking site that allows you to have conversations with customers, post photos and videos, promote special offers, and more. Possibilities of Gen Y looking at facebook is high and Taylor’s University also uses facebook as one of their media.
Instagram : Instagram took the second place of most users in Malaysia. It’s also known that Malaysians are the most active Instagrammers in Asia Pacific, according to the latest study by global research firm Kantar TNS. This visual-heavy social media is very popular among Gen Y. Taylor’s University also uses instagram
How and When to post it?
We have to know what time exactly people uses facebook and instagram or else nobody would see it and no matter how good the advertising is, only few users who would see it. This is very important that people actually took research for it based on coschedule.com
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Fig 2.4 Best time to post on Facebook source : https://coschedule.com/blog/best-times-to-post-on-social-media/ |
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Fig 2.5 Best time to post on Instagram source : https://coschedule.com/blog/best-times-to-post-on-social-media/ |
Fig 2.6 Example source: hootdesignco.com |
Fig 2.7 Example source: https://www.volusion.com/blog/the-unique-anatomy-of-an-effective-facebook-ad/ |
Fig 2.8 Example
Put eye-catching visuals since instagram is more into visual-oriented media. Users won’t have time to just read plain texts.
source: http://gmauthority.com/blog/2015/06/gmc-teams-up-with-instagram-for-a-unique-viewing-experience/
Fig 2.9 Example
Divided multiple photos from the same photo is interesting and while scrolling through, they want to see how the whole photo would look like and click the account
source : http://www.nanigans.com/blog/igram/usu/more-instagram-ad-creative-best-practices-digital-marketers
Fig 2.10 Example
Carousel ads in instagram. Carousel ads fits advertising campaign as they can tell a story by similar visual on every photo
source : http://mediaincanada.com/2015/05/29/instagram-cultivates-brands-with-carousel-ads/
2. Billboards (Outdoor Advertising)
Billboards advertising is one of the outdoor advertising or also known as out-of-home advertising. They focuses on the audience when they are on the road (passing pedestrians/drivers), public places, or any places outside where they can possibly see. Billboards are mostly shown in busy roads Typically showing witty slogans and distinctive visuals, billboards are highly visible in the top designated market areas.
It’s a large outdoor advertisement (usually 12 feet x 25 feet) for which rent is charged according to three factors: the amount of traffic that passes its location, its visibility, and its size.
Although digital approach is growing, it does prevent some marketers from using other channels and creating fully integrated campaigns. Out-of-home (OOH) advertising is effective at engaging Millennials,especially when brands take the time to fully understand this medium and get their execution just right. 56% of millennials trust the advertising format and 58% act on it (showcaseoutdoor.co.uk). This happens because they’re not trusting internet’s ads though they mainly uses internet and very tech-savvy. Also it’s estimated 63% of savvy Millennials block branded advertisements on their devices as they strive to avoid spam, unsolicited and overly-promotional content (airoutdoor.co.uk).As most millennials trusted OOH, billboards will be effective to engage with the target audience. Innovative and outside of the box advertisements will be attention grabbing if it’s put on the billboards. OOH is thought to drive a significant 140% uplift in smartphone brand interactions among Millennials, compared to 17% across other marketing channels. As we can see, OOH has effectively bridged the gap between virtual and corporeal advertising, enabling brands to successfully target Millennials and increase their conversion rate in the process.
An estimated 56% of Millennials trust this medium, for example, while 58% are inclined to take further action after seeing a billboard or post advertisement. OOH provides effective and engaging advertising methods right at the heart of where millennials frequent, shop, socialise, study etc. Despite the natural advantages of OOH among Millennials, execution is key if you are to achieve success. More specifically, you will need to identify the best geographical locations through which to target this audience, in order to optimise exposure and encourage customers to take direct action through their mobile, tablet or laptop.
Fig 3.1 Based on the statistics the number of registered driver & vehicle remained rising in Malaysia and estimately 14,489,439 M has registered in 2015
Source: http://public.tableau.com/views/JPJMalaysiaStatisticofRegisteredDriversandVehicles/JPJMalaysia-SummaryofRegisteredDriverVehicle?:embed=y&:showVizHome=no
1. You only have a few seconds for someone to glance up at a billboard, so their size is a huge advantage. Large, bright, eye-catching graphics with one key message is the best route – it will leave people with a lasting impression in their mind.
2. Ads on billboards are free to passers by – they don’t have to buy a newspaper or a cinema ticket in order to view your message.
3. With more commuters on the roads than ever before, billboard advertising allows you to reach more people faster and cheaper than any other mass marketing media.
4. With billboards you have a guaranteed audience. As your message gets repeated views it becomes more engrained in their memory, they will remember it more and will come to find you.
5. Billboard advertising is the only media where the advertiser has full control of the ad space. The ad has constant exposure – no other media allows your message to be displayed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
6. Outdoor advertising on the whole is constantly evolving – media advertisers are working closely with brands to incorporate digital, social media and interactive strategies to increase consumer engagement.
7. Big brands are using billboards
2. Weather conditions.
3. Visibility issue.
4. Stationary mode of advertising.
5. Time insensitive.
6. Does not target a specific market.
7. Short term advertising tool.
8. Limited information.
Chosen Billboard
Traditional Billboards :
1. More cost-effective
2. Most digital billboards share with other brands in one billboard means there’s possibility people won’t focuses on our advertising and the ads might only be shown in short span of time
3. it can be read 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You also won't have to contend with irate residents claiming the light from your sign is keeping them awake nights, or worry that the glare and motion from your ad might make someone drive off the road.
How and when to post it
With the most Gen-Y population in Malaysia, roads in Selangor can be used for the billboards. To make sure it has high visibility, the location of the billboard should be around areas that have traffic jam. Locations near high school or college would also be good since the passing students can see the advertisements and would look for more informations about TDS after it. Gen-Y would also rather visit shopping centres with friends than to purchase something online. Capturing their attention with outdoor advertising as they travel towards the vicinity to shopping centres will be effective. Gen-Y is high spending audience and they would consider us if our advertising is smart and creative enough to grab them. Innovative ideas which are relatable with the millennials is really recommended.
Fig 3.2 Smart and unexpected visualisation and headline will grab people’s attention and also make them think about it source : http://www.designyourway.net/blog/inspiration/intriguing-outdoor-advertising-33-new-examples |
Fig 3.3 Create similar visuals (ideas with legs) for the ads which will be shown in numbers of billboards. People won’t get bored with the same thing over and over again but the same message is still delivered source : http://www.designyourway.net/blog/inspiration/intriguing-outdoor-advertising-33-new-examples |
Week 4
General Feedback : We have to mention the reference (citation) if we used someone’s diagram or surveys and we must understand that this is crucial for every research methodology. It’s not enough to just put reference on the back of the slides. Analysis is what we've taken from the research and conclusion is what we're going to do.
Specific Feedback : (in -class exercise) If we want to create a sarcastic ads, the caption should be a sarcasm too or people will end up believing in it though sometimes it doesn’t make sense (sketches) some sketches is interesting and have legs but need more relevant ideas with the design school even though it matches the ‘hybrid’ idea (Project 1) More elaborated introduction with the big idea, missing citation, missing final analysis before conclusion
Week 5
General Feedback : There are some example of previous successful and unique advertisements which can be taken as an inspiration on how we supposed to make the ads.
Specific Feedback: (sketches) Some of the visuals is the contrary of hybrid which is not a best match for the USP/SMP. More development can be done based on the sketches.
Experience : The research process was easier than previous project since it's a secondary research and I'm already used to it though I still find creating the big idea is quite hard. For the sketches, I feel that I keep doing the same thing but now at least I understand the idea of the USP/SMP.
Observation : The more we did the research, we'll find that it's very clear and easy to create the big idea. We have to be careful when doing the sketches, the idea might be either interesting or the contrary of the message we want to deliver.
Findings : It's better to be open and take others' feedback to develop our ideas since we tend to stuck at the same place. I find this very helpful after I've done some sketches for the advertising.
Book of the week
Bhaskar Halve, Anand, 2005, Planning for Power Advertising, Unipress Publishing Ltd, Malaysia.
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Fig 4.1 Cover |
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Fig 4.2 The Challenge of Building strong brand |
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Fig 4.3 Colgate Advertisement in India |
Advertising functions as a power to build strong brands. The way of doing it is by remaining consumer-focused. Strong brand is not something that is ‘built’ once but it’s about building it and continuously work at to maintain. From the table, we can see that the product Colgate remained on top of the ranking of India’s top brands.
The story of the advertisement can be related to little girl in India who is afraid of dentists and she won’t smile no matter what. Kids can relate to this, even the adults. And then when Colgate appeared, she smiled as her fear disappeared. The ad became popular and how Colgate remained good with their advertising made them successful as a brand.
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