Week 8 - Week 10 Project two illustration and visual narrative : Graphic Novel

23/10/2017 - 4/11/17 (Week 8-Week 10)
Wynne Pankusya [0333258]
Illustration and Visual Narrative
Project 2: Graphic Novel 

Lecture Notes
Transition is technically what has happened between frame to frame. Before we've learned about the 3 act structure and we just need to make the conncetion of the thing that has happened through transition.
Img 1.2 Transitions
Gestalt Law of closure is a theory where we percieve objects such as shapes, letters, pitcures, etc. as  a whole when they're not complete. When parts of a whole pitcure are missing, our perception fills in the visual gap.

Img 1.3 Law of Closure
Scott McCloud's transition divided into 6 which are :
1. Moment to Moment
2. Subject to Subject
3. Scene to Scene
4. Action to Action
5. Aspect to Aspect
6. Non Sequitur (not relevant to transition)

Img 1.4 6 kinds of transition

Before we start to make the graphic novel project, Mr.Hafiz taught us to create our own brush and do stippling art. To make the brush you'll need to find the desired shape of paint splash and turn it into brush. It is supposed to be done in Adobe Photoshop. We can use this technique and implement it in this project.

Img 2 First attempt of stippling
The next tutorial is to make sure we understood the all of the transition that has been taught (based on Scott McCloud theory). We have to divide the transition from a comic book and choose whether it's moment to moment, aspect to aspect and more. 

Img 2.2 The storyline 

Img 2.3 My result


The story that will be used for the graphic novel can only be taken from https://poestories.com which is a compiltion of Edgar Allan Poe's stories and poetries. As so, I found a poetry that I wanted to use which is 'Annabel Lee'. The poetry 'Annabel lee' is a sad love story of two lovers where the women died. I've elaborated the poetry into mindmap and started to create the composition for the graphic novel. The poetry can be read here

Img 3 Mindmap

Img 3.2 Divided the story line into 3 kinds of transition

Img 3.3 Divided the story line into 3 kinds of transition

Img 3.4 Rough sketches

Img 3.5 Rough Sketches

Img 3.6 Rough Sketches

Img 3.7 Mood board and references

Img 3.8 Colour schemes

After some feedbacks and ideas, I changed a little bit on my work and started to digitalize my sketches. The final result should be in a form of GIF with subtle animation. Thus I played with the lighting on the drawing to create the animation. All the works are done in Photoshop.

Img 4 Aspect to Aspect scene 1

Img 4.2 Aspect to Aspect scene 2

Img 4.3 Aspect to Aspect scene 3

Img 4.4 Subject to Subject scene 1

Img 4.5 Subject to Subject scene 2

Img 4.6 Subject to Subject scene 3

Img 4.7 Moment to Moment scene 1

Img 4.8 Moment to Moment scene 2
Img 5 Drawn in photoshop

Since Adobe Muse can't display the GIF well, I made another similar layout in Adobe Photoshop.

Img 6 Layout done in Muse

Img 6.2 Layout done in photoshop
Visualizing the work is more easier since now I know how to create a visual artwork with transitions in it. I starting to learn more about comic books and graphic novel. I look into the details and transition while reading it without even realizing because I learned about it in the lecture. Overall, the project was fun but yet needs more management in time since you'll need to illustrate by yourself


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